How to store wines

How to store wine at home?

Generally we do not have an exclusive space to store wine, it cannot be stored in any way, since it is a living and fragile drink. Today we bring you five tips so that you can preserve them in the most optimal way.

But first, what Wines can we keep?

    Contrary to what you may have heard, not all wines are aged. What's more, there are many that are made to be consumed in the same year of production.

    In general terms, the most prestigious wines, especially those reds that have significant barrel work, tend to be very intense when young. They need time to reach their fullness, soften their tannins, and develop a more complex and harmonious flavor. The goal is to open them at their best moment.

    The first and most important tip, store them horizontally:

    Red wines usually have corks, the horizontal position allows them not to dry out. Let us remember that this material from the bark of the cork oak tree, due to its porosity, allows favorable microoxygenation for a slow and ascending evolution of the wine.

    Avoid storing your wines in the kitchen:

    Although for many the kitchen is the heart of the home, it usually has high temperatures, there is constant traffic of people and a wide variety of condiments that flavor the environment. All these factors can harm the correct evolution of the wines.

    Choose a place where the sun's rays do not reach:

    The glass in the bottles is usually dark and protects the wine from the sun's rays, but it is not enough. The ideal is to keep them in places without natural light. To do this, there are several pieces of furniture inside the house that can help in this simple preservation task. For example, a cupboard or closet that you do not use.

    The ideal temperature is between 10°C and 15°C:

    We know that it can be difficult to maintain the temperature inside a house or apartment at a certain range, but what is important is that the bottles do not suffer sudden variations. Avoid storing them near a radiator or any other heat source. This variable will determine whether the wine evolves more or less quickly.

    Only if you can, invest in a designed or refrigerated cellar.

    Free spaces in houses or apartments are usually scarce. However, if you have the resources, it is always beneficial to design a cava that meets the conditions described above. The furniture makers that proliferate on the internet have a great variety in shapes and sizes. Now, if you want to take the next leap, refrigerated cellars are a great option, since you have control over the temperature, humidity, darkness and position, which are the key components that favor the correct evolution of the wines.

    We hope these tips have been useful to you so that you can save your favorite wines and enjoy them accordingly. If you have any questions or queries, contact our Sommeliers at whatsapp +56976840114 or email: , Cheers!


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